Documentation starter template
with Prose UI + Next.js

Welcome, travelers and builders of the digital frontier. This template is your launchpad for crafting stunning documentation websites.

Next.jsNext.js 15 with app router

Leverage the latest Next.js 15 features, including the app router, server actions, and more.

Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS

Uses Tailwind CSS to achieve a clean and modern look.

shadcn/uiShadcn UI

Uses Tailwind CSS to achieve a clean and modern look.

Next.jsDark mode with next/theme

Uses Tailwind CSS to achieve a clean and modern look.

Next.jsWYSIWYG editing

Edit your Prose UI content with Dhub's inline editor.

Content collections

Uses Content Collections with MDX bundler to manage MDX content.

Open source documentation stater template with Next.js and Prose UI. Source code available on GitHub.